Heavy Rotation: December 2021

Heavy Rotation is here just in time for finals season and the last push before break. As we think ahead to going home (wherever that may be for you), MD Committee reflected on our youth and came across this month’s Heavy Rotation theme: songs we listened to in high school. Here’s what MD Committee had to say about the featured tracks (and keep an eye out for the Spotify playlist coming soon!).

“Sappho” by Frankie Cosmos: I was a pretentious and fake indie kid in high school, but back then Frankie Cosmos were still pretty underground. This is one of the songs I listened to then that I still stand by. -Molly ‘23

“Roll Bus Roll” by Jeffrey Lewis: In my Sophomore year of high school I began to delve into Jeffrey Lewis's music. Roll Bus Roll is soft and folksy. This song puts words to the shared experience of growing up and leaving somewhere familiar. Although sad to say goodbye to the past, Roll Bus Roll was a comfort as I moved further from my childhood and looked towards the future. -Laila ‘25

“Borders” by St. Beauty: St. Beauty is a duo that I discovered after Janelle Monae's Dirty Computer came out, as they're both part of the Wondaland Collective. They don't have a lot of music, but "Running to the Sun" is a gorgeous album that I think everyone should listen to. "Borders" is a song about longing for someone or something, one that draws you in immediately with its haunting backing vocals and in spite of the fact that you may have never known separation from someone you care about.  -Jacqueline ‘23

please note: “Borders” features explicit content that may not be suitable for some listeners, or for play on-air at WZLY. We include it here for listeners to check out at their own discretion.

“Dream Sweet in Sea Major” by Miracle Musical: “Dream Sweet in Sea Major” is nothing short of an experience. It's the genre-bending, space-ascending brainchild of Miracle Musical, who only produced one album. With unapologetically ethereal lyrics and various distinct sections, I think it offers something for everyone. It's one of those songs with so many disparate elements that it shouldn't work, but it does, taking you along for a magical ride.  -Jacqueline ‘23

“Why Am I Like This?” by Orla Gartland: I found this song early on in high school on Orla's Youtube channel, and it quickly became a favorite of mine. Whenever I was going through it, I remember playing this song on my guitar, and I even performed it at my audition for a music school I used to want to go to. It really just holds a special place in my heart for all the hard times it got me through. -Ava ‘25

“Bloo” by Zack Villere: I chose this song because of how this artist has stayed with me throughout high school. I remember the blazing hot summer of sophomore year, listening to Zack Villere's “Little World” on a walk to the fair to see a boy I had no business hanging out with. More of Villere's songs were slowly released throughout my junior year in anticipation of the release of his album “Cardboard City.” Days before COVID shutdowns happened, I got to see Zack perform at the Roxy. I went with my mom, and she awkwardly stood in the back while I mingled with other audience members. It felt reminiscent of a high school dance, but with less dancing, but I did not feel the insufferable insecurity and misplacement that is often felt in an overpacked high school gym. I was just as cool as everyone else in the crowd. In a horribly ironic turn of events, Villere was sick during his performance. I remember him reassuring the crowd, "It’s not Corona!" I wasn't so sure he was right. His songs are just the right combination of weird, nostalgic, endearing, and complex. -Lottie ‘25

“Panic” by The Smiths: I first listened to the Smiths in middle school after reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower, however, could not help myself to listen to anything else other than Asleep. I feel like my music taste at that time was not mature enough to listen to The Smiths. I think that they are a type of band you need to prepare yourself to listen because the emotions they create with their music can be sentimentally intense. I think that there are musicians we should take our time to listen or wait to listen when it is the right time. -Regina ‘23

“If We Make It Through December” by Phoebe Bridgers: Phoebe Bridgers was my favorite artist in high school and i remember listening to that song over christmas break when it first came out. -Mila ‘25

“G# - EP Version” by Kitten: my best friend introduced me to Kitten in middle school, and their early discography followed both of us throughout high school. I associate their music with all of the sweetest moments in high school, and the people who kept me alive & taught me love throughout it. when i listen to Kitten, i think back to the way my friends in high school taught me to feel safe <3 -Demeter ‘25

“Gigantic” by Pixies: The Pixies were my first real concert and Gigantic was always the song I played while I sat in the public library by my school waiting for my bus as the sun went down. I love it to this day and think it’s one of the best Pixies songs, and it reminds me of home. -Hannah ‘25

“Off da Zoinkys” by JID: Off Da Zoinkys came out in my sophomore year of high school I think, and after my close friend played it for me, it was the only thing I ever listened to. Anytime I was in the car I requested that it be played, I listened to it on repeat walking between classes, or walking home, or literally anytime I was listening to music. I didn't think much of the lyrics, but I did love the background vocals and the music video (but not who starred in the music video). -Haysie ‘24

please note: “Off da Zoinkys” features explicit content that may not be suitable for some listeners, or for play on-air at WZLY. We include it here for listeners to check out at their own discretion.

“The Pretender” by Foo Fighters: My prime in high school was when I thought I was super edgy and only listened to the Foo Fighters. -Phia ‘24

“Percolator” by Charlie Bliss: I was a hardcore devotee of Charly Bliss freshman year. I loved Eva's vocals and I hadn't heard any real modern non male-fronted bands that gave that poppy grunge vibe. They were on a lot of playlists with some very embarrassing stuff but I still have the vinyl of this album and I play it from time to time! -Charlotte ‘25

“Cornerstone” by Arctic Monkeys: I was very into the Arctic Monkeys in middle school and a lot of high school. Cornerstone is one of my favorite songs from them as it feels very sentimental and full of longing. I listened to it a lot in England, where I spent fourth grade through 10th grade, so it is full of English associations. When I moved to Houston, I really held onto this song as I was getting adjusted to American culture again. -Addie ‘25

“Longshot (7 Nights)” by Miike Snow: I spent an unacceptable amount of my high school days listening to yearning playlists — that is to say, I was falling asleep listening to those playlists. I have a crystal clear memory of waking up at like 4am in my bed at my dad's house, hearing the rainfall outside & this song quietly playing from my phone, and realizing the person I liked would be on their way to swim practice at that exact moment. It was such a nice moment — even if most other aspects of being an eternally-yearning teenager absolutely sucked. -Abby ‘24


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