Heavy Rotation: May 2022

Hey WZLY! As we inch towards finals, MD Committee wanted to offer one final edition of Heavy Rotation for the year. In honor of AAPI Heritage Month, May’s version of Heavy Rotation features our favorite Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander artists. Check out the playlist above, and read below for more thoughts on some of the featured songs!

“Sirius” by Zuriaake: “Zuriaake is a Chinese black metal band that combines western black and prog metal trends with Chinese culture—frequently seen with their inclusion of ancient poetry as lyrics.” -Charlotte Adams ‘25

“ZOOM” by Jessi, “I Don’t Know You Anymore” by Eric Nam, “Never Had a Chance” by Katherine Li, and “print (I’m so tired)” by jenny nuo: “They're honestly all bops and prime examples of the different sides to my music tastes! There's no particular reason, I just enjoy their music.” -Caroline Jung ‘25

“Bo Bo La” by No Good: “No Good is a political punk band from Malaysia. I’m not an expert on Malaysian politics, but even without the context their music is passionate and creative, drawing on global punk influences as well as traditional Malaysian elements.” -Charlotte Adams ‘25

“Slow and Steady” by Run River North: “I love Run River North, and have been following them since around the time they released Drinking from a Salt Pond. I’m super excited to watch the development of their sound over the years, and this latest single is one of my favorites so far.” -Molly McCaul ‘23


Terror Twilight: Farewell Horizontal


Review: Christian Lee Hutson’s “Quitters”